Thursday, 31 March 2016


Do we have any purpose here?

Newspapers these days are filled with lots of negativity. Sometimes you get numb by the things happening around you, by the things you read or hear. People in their twenties are dying for no reason, some are getting life threatening diseases, accidents, rapes and what not. I am afraid, most of the people are becoming indifferent about these news or just accepting it as part of their routine. You read these dreadful news daily in newspapers, on social media, on news apps but you actually think about it when something happens to the person you really care about.

That makes you think, what was fault of these innocent people? Do we just have to accept the idea of fate? These events lead us to think the suitability of 'theory of Karma’ or it is just a fallacy? Theory of Karma says, whatever action or even thought, good or bad, has a reflection in eternity and it strikes back when the moment is right, in this life or the next.

I wonder, what bad karma that minor girl would have done that she has been raped or that young boy walking on the road and got hit by the car? I refuse to accept the idea called fate. 

The idea of afterlife came in existence to give reason to such horrific incidents. When man did not had answer to these questions, he developed the theory that - innocent people are dying at young age or the young people getting life threatening diseases because some of the things happened in their past life.

Then comes another question in mind, if accidents and tragedies are happening every second, then we, ‘the survivors,' are here for any specific purpose? Has some super natural power has sent us for some purpose?

I feel- NO. There is no purpose. It is the way nature operates. It has no purpose for us. But don't feel bad about it because the good thing is- We, the humans, have developed our own purpose to feel lively; to distinguish ourselves from the animals. It is the ideology that shaped our thinking during the formative years is giving us motive, aim, and ambition in our life. And I feel that is a very good thing that we are enthralled by the motive and living our lives. It is pity that many people are wandering in abyss.  

See lot of poor people around us. Do they have any purpose except survival? Or are they just pawns to serve the materialist, aristocrat loving society? They might be having dream to send their children in good school or see their children becoming the officer, doctor, engineer or many of them might have fear to even see such dreams.

This theory of Karma is good in the sense that it prevents ordinary people from doing morally wrong actions, but I believe this concept is also 'anti-market' or against society based on innovation. If you fail in your adventure, this theory provides you safety value to say that 'Karma is bitch'. Misdeeds in previous life striking me back or any other things weak people say to justify themselves or to make them feel okay about the situation.

It is very important to find the purpose of our life even knowing the fact that nature has not decided anything for us and things are not going to happen by their own. We have to create our own path and we have to guide ourselves to carve the path in right direction. Let fate play its role, and we will play ours.  If fate works for our own good, it is Okay; if it works against us, we will fight.



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