Friday 24 January 2014


Child trafficking and prostitution #Vote4children

Children security:

Today, I have had participated in the journalism based competition 'The Mighty Pen' in our Cultural festival-Spring Fest.(IIT-Kharagpur). The topic was child labour. The more and more I researched about this topic, I had discovered the more and more ugly and cruel nature of human beings. The conditions we have seen in the movie Slumdog Millionaire that has pointed out some of the things like child trafficking, child beggars and child prostitutes controlled by organised mafia gangs. But the actual conditions are even worse.

These trafficked children are often starved so that they will look gaunt and cry and thereby eliciting more sympathy and donations from tourists. And since disable child beggars get more money than healthier ones, criminal groups often increase their profit by cutting out a child’s eye, scaring his face with acids and amputating a limb for a begging mafia at $200 a pop. To prevent the children from running away, traffickers often keep kids addicted to drugs. When trafficked children get too old to beg effectively they often graduate into forced prostitution, the black organ trade or other gruesome facts.

In India, children’s’ vulnerability and exposure to violations of their protection rights remains spread and multiple in nature. Existing studies shows that 40% of women sex workers enter into prostitution before the age of 18. I India, there is social issue going on that no one is really talking about. The media sweeps this issue under the table because of it’s offensive nature and most people do not want to deal with the feelings and ugly nature that this topic provokes .I am speaking about child prostitution. Parents who are uneducated and poor are selling their children into the child pornography industry, just so they can keep the roof over the heads.

Then question arises- "Why children"? Why children are needed in prostitution and pornography industry ?
There is the myth that a man can get rid himself of sexually transmitted diseases if he sleeps with a virgin, hence the fear of HIV/AIDS has increased the demand for virgin and children.

Our society has not only turned a blind eye to minor girls being enticed into prostitution but also is directly responsible for continues growth of child prostitution. First the demand for child prostitutes by failing to provide adequate facilities to orphan and destitute children.

I have discussed 2 issues but there are number of children who are working in hazardous industries like Beedi and cigarette, diamond, firecracker industries. What about their security?

We have accepted the world where children from all ages from 5 year to 15 year are forced to take up the labour in order to survive. We have accepted and allowed ourselves to have created the condition which forces children to place themselves in harmful working conditions just to see another day. Isn't that shameful for the country which claim to be world's largest democracy? Isn't that shameful for us-the urban educated people who dream to live in foreign countries?

Thinkk.. ~Digvijay Sanjay Patil
This post is a part of the #Vote4Children Blog-a-thon on Youth Ki Awaaz. Find out more at:


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