Tuesday 29 September 2015


Government is literally playing with words!!

Recently a lot has been written about the Modi government. This Government believes in banning, it is spreading communalism, it makes more promises than delivery, and much more. Amidst all criticism and applaud for the new government, media and most people did not notice that this government is much more innovative than previous governments. What makes me think that this government is more innovative?

See the names given to government schemes, authorities and foreign plans. Names of all these are very innovatively formed.

NITI ayog: National Institution for Transforming India

This government body has replaced planning commission and it is a policy think-tank. See the abbreviation is cleverly put as NITI, which directly means policy.

MUDRA bank: Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Bank. (Mudra = Currency)

From name itself, it is clear that it provides loans to micro-finance institutions at low rates. (It is government bank, so of course provides at lower rate)

AIM: Atal Innovation Mission

AIM will be an Innovation Promotion Platform involving academics, entrepreneurs, and researchers drawing upon national and international experiences to foster a culture of innovation, R&D in India.

AMRUT: Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Development

SETU: Self Employment and Talent Utilization Scheme

PRASAD: Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritually Augmentation Drive

HRIDAY: Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana

SATYAM: Science And Technology of Yoga And Meditation

Earlier government had JNNURM mission for urban development (Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission). You will surely have to remember this full form to get idea of what it is. But when government gives names to scheme such as AMRUT, we can clearly form an analogy to link it with urban development like safe drinking water for urban households will prove to be AMRUT for them or self-employment will be the bridge (SETU) for poor people to come out of poverty.

From PRASAD, we can confidently say that it is linked with pilgrimage.

From doing this, government is also promoting Sanskrit-Hindi words in everyday language use. Which is a good stimulus as our language is becoming more and more westernized. Many times we do not find Hindi equivalent words.

I will not say, it is promoting Sanskrit only. Safety operation in Yemen was named as ‘Operation Rahat’. (Rahat = Relief)

2 days back, Prime Minister Modi has announced $150 million BHARAT fund, aimed at creating and providing support to disruptive start-ups in impact areas.

BHARAT to stand for ‘Better Health, Agriculture, Renewables And Technologies’ Bharat Fund derives its name from the ancient and also official name of India. Many people do not know this but it is our country’s official name. Article 1(1) says, “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States”.

So, all criticism is at their place, but I liked the way that government (or bureaucrats?) is playing with words cleverly to make it look more attractive and even rural people can relate to it very easily.


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