Do you know what is the sexiest and ugliest thing in the world is?

“ You really dont know that. Even if you do, you didn't realise it's power!!

White lie or misleading truth?

What is right, what is morally correct? A lie or a misleading truth? To understand this, I am taking two examples. Paula Jones brought a sexual harassment lawsuit against Bill Clinton while he was president.

Justice - What's the right thing to do

Some days ago, I started to watch an interesting Harvard lecture series on Law. In this lectures, Mr. Michael Sandel has come up with the cool philosophy which everyone of us can digest easily on many interesting issues.

Free to choose

Having physical relationship with opposite gender is so important, then why we have so much romanticized celibacy?

harvey saved me!!

Today I had my breadth subject exam – ‘Effective learning techniques of professional development'. Oh wait! Don’t horrify about the course name. It has got only long title but nothing special in it.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Challenge the authority !

My Dear, Get a Companion not a competition...